Mount St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation

Pediatric Care Coordination

“Mount St. Mary’s Hospital will implement the Pediatric Care Coordination project over three years. Mount St. Mary’s seeks to expand both mental health and substance use disorder screenings and interventions for children ages 0-17 and young mothers.

The pediatric care coordination project will allow for the screening for co-occurring disorders in primary care settings to assist practitioners in recognizing and addressing conditions early. The implementation of this project hinges largely on the hiring of a pediatric care coordinator. This individual will work with Mount St. Mary’s Hospital project team to research, review and select an evidence-based pediatric behavioral health evaluation tool. The team will reach out to the P2 Collaborative, the NYS Office of Mental Health, physicians and other medical experts for input on the selection of this tool. The pediatric care coordinator will work closely with the primary care team and community health worker.”

CATEGORY: Programs & Services
LOCATION: Lewiston, NY
AMOUNT: $190,000 over Three Years

Perpetual Motion

Have you heard the Tower Foundation’s origin story?  It has now been freshly told by Cassandra Gainer in the recent issue of Traffic East, a Western New York journal celebrating entrepreneurial and creative energy.  Gainer interviewed daughters Mollie Byrnes and Cynthia Doyle in telling the story of Peter and Elizabeth Tower’s life together and how they came … Continued