Fidelity House Inc.

Crowdsourcing Approach to Respite Care Phase 2

“Phase Two of this project will allow Fidelity House to expand respite services for families of people with IDD. The organization has heard from families that the current system for respite care is fragmented. Families often struggle to find appropriate providers and care is often inaccessible due to affordability. Fidelity House will work with 36creative to develop a responsive website that matches caregivers with qualified respite workers. In developing this software, Fidelity House is placing a strong emphasis on making sure that families come away with a positive experience with their respite care worker.

The organization will promote the website through its Family Support Center with a goal of recruiting qualified respite workers and attracting family members to join the online platform. There will be considerable staff time (covered by the organization) built into testing and seeking feedback from parents and respite providers.”

CATEGORY: Strengthening Partner Capacity
LOCATION: Lawrence, MA
AMOUNT: $110,400 over One Year

Perpetual Motion

Have you heard the Tower Foundation’s origin story?  It has now been freshly told by Cassandra Gainer in the recent issue of Traffic East, a Western New York journal celebrating entrepreneurial and creative energy.  Gainer interviewed daughters Mollie Byrnes and Cynthia Doyle in telling the story of Peter and Elizabeth Tower’s life together and how they came … Continued