Brookline Community Mental Health Center, Inc.

Bridge Program Expansion in Barnstable County

The Brookline Center for Community Mental Health will provide the intensive program planning and start-up consultation necessary to launch new BRYT (Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition, pronounced “bright”) programs at between seven and twelve Barnstable County schools, with the potential of reaching Nantucket and Dukes County schools as well, contingent on school interest. This school-based transition program bridges students from an extended mental health absence back into the school setting. Brookline does this by working with schools to intentionally reorganize the supports that are already available to better support these students. (Barnstable County)

CATEGORY: Programs & Services
LOCATION: Brookline, MA
AMOUNT: $55,000 Over Two Years

Perpetual Motion

Have you heard the Tower Foundation’s origin story?  It has now been freshly told by Cassandra Gainer in the recent issue of Traffic East, a Western New York journal celebrating entrepreneurial and creative energy.  Gainer interviewed daughters Mollie Byrnes and Cynthia Doyle in telling the story of Peter and Elizabeth Tower’s life together and how they came … Continued