Think Bigger Do Good Policy Paper Series Advocates for Increasing Medicaid’s Commitment to Home Visiting

Author: Nicholas Randell

We are pleased to share an update from Think Bigger Do Good Policy Paper Series, a collaborative project of the Thomas Scattergood Foundation, Peg’s Foundation, the Peter & Elizabeth Tower Foundation, and the Patrick P. Lee Foundation. Each paper in this series identifies a specific challenge and recommends clear strategies to advance the delivery of mental health and substance use disorder care.

A new paper was just released on May 9th, 2023: Promoting the Mental Health of Parents and Children by Strengthening Medicaid Support for Home Visiting.  The paper was written by Elisabeth Burak and Vikki Wachino.  The paper is free and available to all.  Please share!

From the paper’s recommendations: Home visiting can offer an effective approach to meet families where they are, support new parents and newborns at a critical stage in life, and strengthen their resilience over time.