The Foundation supports organizations and initiatives that help provide young people with opportunities to realize their highest potential regardless of the challenges they face. Our funding supports work in four focus areas: Intellectual Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, and Substance Use Disorders – all typically underfunded and stigmatized conditions.
We have set out broad, aspirational goals to guide our work and to keep us focused on the big picture. With these in mind, we hope to move a little closer each day to these ideals.
Intellectual Disabilities
- Children with intellectual disabilities are identified early and receive services that meet their evolving needs.
- Young people with intellectual disabilities are engaged in meaningful, social, vocational, and educational pursuits.
- Families understand intellectual disabilities and secure needed supports.
- Communities embrace young people with intellectual disabilities and provide them with a full range of supports and opportunities to engage in community life.
Learning Disabilities
- Children with learning disabilities are identified early, diagnosed, and connected to services that meet their ongoing individual needs.
- Youth with learning disabilities understand how they learn and pursue resources that support them accordingly.
- Young adults are confident and do not view their learning disability as a liability.
- Young adults with learning disabilities are ready for work and/or educational pursuits.
- Families are informed about learning disabilities and can identify and navigate available services.
- Communities value persons with learning disabilities and accommodate their needs.
Mental Health
- Stigma related to mental illness is eliminated.
- Children with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges are identified early and connected to appropriate services.
- Young people with mental health challenges understand and manage their conditions and behaviors.
- Families understand mental health challenges and help young people live productive lives.
- Communities offer meaningful opportunities and appropriate support to young people with mental health challenges and their families.
Substance Use Disorders
- Community members understand the prevalence and harmful effects of alcohol and drugs on young people and work to address them.
- Resources for substance use disorders prevention, treatment, and recovery are readily available.
- Families provide safe environments that support healthy and informed choices about alcohol and drugs.
Young people make healthy and informed choices about alcohol and drugs.
Focus Area Definitions
Click here for the Foundation’s definitions of our four focus areas: Intellectual Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, and Substance Use Disorders.