Tri-Town Council

Prevention Through Positive Youth Development

“Tower funds will support Tri-Town’s work in using the Positive Youth Development framework to enhance community understanding about substance use and youth risky behaviors. This framework involves engaging youth along with their families, communities and/or governments so that youth are empowered to reach their full potential. This will require youth being part of the conversation and decision-making process. Tri-Town wants to also dispel many of the misperceptions about youth use.

Tri-Town is requesting $105,000 over three years to engage community members through an intentional collaborative approach that reduces youth substance use and at-risk behaviors. Tower funds will primarily support community and staff professional development by the way of Positive Youth Development training, Youth Mental Health First Aid training, and youth leadership development. Tower funds will also support the salary of the coalition coordinator, marketing/outreach, and prevention materials.”

CATEGORY: Community Change
LOCATION: Topsfield, MA
AMOUNT: $45,600 over Two Years

Perpetual Motion

Have you heard the Tower Foundation’s origin story?  It has now been freshly told by Cassandra Gainer in the recent issue of Traffic East, a Western New York journal celebrating entrepreneurial and creative energy.  Gainer interviewed daughters Mollie Byrnes and Cynthia Doyle in telling the story of Peter and Elizabeth Tower’s life together and how they came … Continued