Center for Self Advocacy

Peer Empowerment Network

“Center for Self Advocacy requests $149,916 over two years to expand the Peer Empowerment Network (PEN), which first launched in 2017. Under this project, CSA is looking to broaden the age range of participants, increase family/caregiver involvement, and engage community groups who serve as natural supports for IDD youth transitioning to adulthood. According to the proposal, the organization will expand the range of topics covered in workshops and create peer social support groups focused on providing advice and support to those striving to live independently.

PEN challenges the notion about what young people with IDD can and cannot do and emphasizes that many of these individuals are capable of pursing and achieving goals that allow them to lead a fuller life. New York State changes with the push toward managed care has uniquely positioned the CSA to offer programming that helps individuals identify their strengths. PEN involves empowering participants with decision-making skills.”

CATEGORY: Programs & Services
AMOUNT: $149,916 over Two Years

Perpetual Motion

Have you heard the Tower Foundation’s origin story?  It has now been freshly told by Cassandra Gainer in the recent issue of Traffic East, a Western New York journal celebrating entrepreneurial and creative energy.  Gainer interviewed daughters Mollie Byrnes and Cynthia Doyle in telling the story of Peter and Elizabeth Tower’s life together and how they came … Continued